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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Recently, we've seen major discoveries in the Pre Salt plays off coast Angolan waters in Kwanza basin, the oil rich country "Angola" has an open window opportunity to boost its BOPD (barrels of oil per day) production to considerable levels in order to maintain a stable growth for its citizens. Yet, a lot of challenges are envisaged in exploiting oil and gas condensates out of thick salt layers in ultra deep waters. Operators and drilling contractors face a unique challenge to commit safety in well operations whilst developing existing and research new technologies to extract the potential reserves.

Angola inwardly follows Brazil's endeavors to prove commercial reserves in Pre salt plays, but fortunately, the theory prevails, what exists in Brazil exists in Angola - Mello 2013 says that "with the support of petroleum system technology, it has been proven that there is an almost perfect similarity (duplication) between all the elements and processes of the petroleum system such as source rocks, reservoirs, seals and traps, and oil types of the pre-salt sequences of Brazil when compared with the pre-salt systems of West Africa”.

Cobalt International Energy have proved this theory in its Lontra #1 well and recently the discovery in the Syn-rift interval Bicuar #1A Pre Salt deep water exploratory well. Others major oil companies few to mention involved in Pre Salt discoveries in Kwanza basin are Maersk Oil, BP and ConnocoPhillips.

Source: The Author.
